My name is Matt Myers, and I'm a computational biologist with a focus on cancer genomics. I work in the Shah lab in the Computational Oncology department at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where I focus on computational methods, analysis, and software to study tumor evolution.
I recently completed my PhD in Ben Raphael's group in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University, where I developed algorithms to infer genetically distinct tumor subpopulations (clones) from DNA sequencing data (see below).
My other interests include birdwatching, nature photography, veganism, music, and cooking.
Email: m [at] myersmatthew [dot] com
Selected Publications:
Myers, Matthew A., Brian J. Arnold, Vineet Bansal, Metin Balaban, Katelyn M. Mullen, Simone Zaccaria, and Benjamin J. Raphael. "HATCHet2: clone-and haplotype-specific copy number inference from bulk tumor sequencing data." Genome Biology 25, no. 1 (2024): 130. [code] [open-access paper] Presented at RECOMB 2022 (poster) and RECOMB-CCB 2022 (oral presentation).
Myers, Matthew A., Simone Zaccaria, and Benjamin J. Raphael. "Identifying tumor clones in sparse single-cell mutation data." Bioinformatics 36.Supplement_1 (2020): i186-i193. [code] [open-access paper] Presented at ISMB 2020.
Myers, Matthew A., Gryte Satas, and Benjamin J. Raphael. "CALDER: Inferring phylogenetic trees from longitudinal tumor samples." Cell systems 8.6 (2019): 514-522. [code] [paper] Presented at RECOMB 2019.
CV (updated early 2024):